Monday, May 2, 2016

Feliz Dia de la Madre!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is the week of Mothers Day!! So I hope all of the Mothers have an awesome day! I also have another request, that every single person give my mom a hug for me!!! I am eternally grateful for my mother and all that she has done for me in my life. How far I am away she still manages to help me feel how much she loves thanks Mom! You are the best!!! I hope it is the best day ever for you! I think our Mothers help us to understand a lot of the love that Christ has for us! Even though we will never be able to truly comprehend the love that He has for us, I can definitely say that my mom really helps me to understand it a whole lot better! I sure do love her!!! 

This past week was a little rough..but with a rough week we always have a whole lot to learn. It was one of those weeks where I felt like we really couldn't get anything going and nothing was really working. I don't know why but we were having a lot of cancelled plans..way more than usual, and I really tried to focus and listen more to what it was that the Spirit was telling me to do. Trying to recognize more what the Lord wants me to do is a lesson that is very important to learn, one that I am trying to do a lot better!! 

In my studies this past week I was very focused on Christ and the Atonement..and a verse I came across I really loved. Romans 8:16,17,18

 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spiritthat we are the children of God:
 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
18 For reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
In this scripture, it really shows our true relationship with God and Jesus Christ, and that we are literally sons and daughters of Christ! But what really caught my attention is the part that says "If so be that we suffer with him." We are not asked much of the Lord, but we are expected to suffer with Him..our lives aren't perfect or easy, because His life was not easy. We will never suffer anything comparable to what He did, but we can be glorified with Him through our trials, as we endure them well!
I know that Christ lives, and that He knows us perfectly, and knows exactly what we need to reach our divine potential..and that is the life that we will all receive. It is up to us in how we will endure!
I love you all and hope you all have an amazing week!!
Elder Yeoman 
Yummy  P-day lunch today at TGIFridays in Buenos Aires!

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